FAME, Inc. Is Proud to Launch the Alumni Committee
With more than 5,000 alumni worldwide, the FAME network is always within reach and making a difference!
FAME, Inc. welcomes our graduates to (re)connect with the power of the global FAME community. Explore our website to learn how you can grow your professional and personal networks, build lifelong career skills, and attend engaging events with fellow graduates.
FAME, Inc. Alumni Committee
The FAME, Inc. Alumni Committee is committed to connecting members of the FAME alumni community to our organization and to each other through a wide range of communications, programming, services, and volunteer opportunities.
The FAME, Inc. Alumni Committee has launched to join our shared vision of Inspiring Career Confidence with programs and activities that identify, advance and bolster professional opportunities for FAME alumni, students and members of our community. The committee’s objective is to advance those opportunities by sharing resources, cultivating an influential network, and utilizing professional contacts. Overall, the alumni committee helps promote an understanding of how diversity can foster greater innovation.
FAME’s mission echoes guiding principal of the organization, reflecting a visionary spirit, driving change the state of Delaware, the region and the nation, by producing exceptional top industry leaders.
Alumni Committee Calendar
Mark your calendars for our upcoming meetings and events!
Our committee meets bimonthly on Zoom and has several events throughout the year. Register below and connect with us!
Closing Ceremony: July 29
Email development@fameinc.org to RSVP!
Committee Meeting: August 17
Committee Meeting: October 19
Contact the Alumni Office
Casey Davis
Annual Fund and Donor Relations Manager
My FAME experience truly made a difference in my life and career. The experiences I had with trips to different companies to understand what types of scientists and engineers worked at those companies were truly exciting and shaped my career goals. By the time I was in 10th grade I knew I wanted to be an Industrial Engineer….I’ve since graduated with Bachelor and Masters degrees in Industrial Engineering from Florida State University.”
~ Yoshino W. White, FAME Alum 1998
Alumni Registration

Preparing and motivating students in grades K-12, with a specific focus on under-represented minorities and girls, to complete a college degree and/or seek a career in STEM or other STEM related pathways. Learn more about how we excite, engage and empower kids and families.