The STEMulate® Change Outreach Initiative for students in Grades K-6 aims to ignite students’ interest in STEM and encourages them to see themselves as Scientists, Technicians, Engineers and Mathematicians.

STEMulate® Change engages youth using problem-based learning curricula to encourage students to pursue Advanced Placement and other challenging STEM classes at school while also building the capacity for girls and other underrepresented minorities (primarily African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans) to successfully pursue STEM careers.

Promoting Cultural Competency…The curricula used in STEMulate® Change are designed to highlight multicultural and diverse “American and global icons” that have made significant contributions in STEM fields. FAME recognizes that youth can more readily relate to a curriculum that ties in a significant role model who is of the same underrepresented population (female and/or of a minority race), motivating students to develop a greater interest in and personal connection to STEM. Youth learn about each icon’s “grit” and the struggles they have overcome to achieve goals as well as professional accomplishments and effects on the world. Through STEMulate® Change, students learn that every gender and ethnic group have made an impact on and can engage in STEM.

The benefits of the curricula are considerable as students gain problem-solving skills, improve their ability to work as member of a team, self-confidence, and increased STEM interest and knowledge. By utilizing a highly diverse set of icons, FAME aims to build an environment of global cultural competency.

STEMulate® Change is designed specifically for cross-curricular learning in the subjects of Mathematics, Science/Technology, and English Language Arts. There is also the added component of learning the history of a STEM icon. Each individual curriculum ties together subject areas so students can utilize the knowledge and skills they learn to solve a problem in the completion of a final project.

STEMulate® Change is designed to enhance interest in STEM while providing motivation for students to enroll in Advanced Placement and college-preparatory classes. Students are encouraged to continue STEM learning once they complete STEMulate® Change by bridging into FAME’s STEM Enrichment Program for grades 7-12.


Learn more about how we excite, engage and empower kids and families.

Coming Soon…

Preparing and motivating students in grades K-12, with a specific focus on under-represented minorities and girls, to complete a college degree and/or seek a career in STEM or other STEM related pathways. Learn more about how we excite, engage and empower kids and families.

FAME, Inc.
(302) 777-3254
2005 Baynard Boulevard 
Wilmington, DE 19802
